About us

Goldime of knowlege and innovation

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Dr. Jonathan Mulwa

Dean of School.

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Deans Message

Welcome to the School of Arts, Social Sciences, and Business at Rongo University

Established in 2012, the School of Arts, Social Sciences, and Business originally operated as two separate entities: the School of Arts & Social Sciences and the School of Business & Human Resource Development. In 2022, these schools merged to harness synergies and enhance efficiency in research and teaching.

Our Mission:

The School is dedicated to providing comprehensive education, conducting rigorous examinations, and engaging in impactful research and outreach within the fields of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business. Our goal is to deliver a holistic learning experience through innovative and professionally focused academic processes.

Key Features:

  • Diverse Academic Disciplines: Offering programs that span Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business.
  • Innovative Teaching: Utilizing cutting-edge methodologies to ensure students receive a contemporary and relevant education.
  • Research Excellence: Committed to advancing knowledge through robust research initiatives.
  • Community Outreach: Engaging with the community to apply academic insights to real-world challenges.

Why Choose Us:

  • Experienced Faculty: Learn from a team of highly qualified and experienced educators.
  • Comprehensive Programs: Benefit from a curriculum that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
  • Career Readiness: Our programs are designed to prepare graduates for successful careers in their respective fields.
  • Synergistic Learning Environment: Experience the benefits of a unified school that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration.

Join us at the School of Arts, Social Sciences, and Business at Rongo University, where we are committed to shaping future leaders and innovators in these critical fields.

Mission and vision


To actualize and blend scientific, Technological and Social – Cultural knowledge for an integrated society


To preserve, create and transfer socio – cultural and development of knowledge required for understanding and efficient functioning of graduate’s nationally and internationally.


  • To re-skill students for present day information economy.
  • To bring awareness of the rising intricacies of networked society.
  • To acquire practical skills in computer networking and digital communication.
  • To acquaint the students with principles of management of information systems and services.

Historical Development

The School of Information,Communication and media Studies at Rongo University was established in 2012 to meet the growing need for information-related manpower in Kenya. Until its establishment, people aspiring to pursue programmes such as records management, archives management, library training, publishing and informatics had no option but to do it outside the country. The problem with this arrangement was that an external programme was not only costly both to the individuals and the government or sponsor, but also totally irrelevant to the manpower needs of Kenya and much of the African region. Students who went overseas were trained on the environment prevalent in the developed west which was not similar to the situation in Kenya.

In view of the foregoing, it was felt by both the government and members of the information fraternity that the only way to address this need was to establish a local training facility. Moi University was chosen as the most ideal public institution to host this school. The school was mandated to provide high level training for people aspiring to pursue: Information technology; archives and records management; librarianship; publishing; and mass media.

Present Status

Since its inception in 2012, the school has developed to become a leading regional training ground for information-related professionals. Presently, the school offers bachelors, masters and PhD degrees in the following areas:

  • Arts In Economics
  • Arts In Political Science And Public Administration
  • Arts In International Relations And Diplomacy
  • Arts In Sociology, Community Development And Criminology
  • Arts In Kiswahili, Geography, Linguistics, History, Religion, Literature, International Relations


Marketability of graduates from the school

Graduates from the school are immediately absorbed on completion of their programmes. A number of them are booked by potential employers during their final year. At present there is a serious shortage of graduates with postgraduate qualifications in records management and librarianship in universities mushrooming in the East Africa making competition for them very stiff. Most students from outside Kenya are sponsored by their employers who guarantee them promotion on successful completion of their programmes.

Conducive learning environment

Rongo University is situated in Kitere Hills near the town of Rongo. The university is noted for its conducive learning environment second to none in Kenya. The rural setting allows students to concentrate on their studies. The cost of living is among the lowest in Kenya. The huge and rich farmlands in the immediate neighbourhood make the cost of living on the campus affordable.

Tuition fee is very reasonable. Transport costs to and from classes are practically non-existent as most students reside either on campus or in the immediate neighbourhood.

A centre for excellence in research

The School of Information, Communication and Media Studies at Rongo University has recently established itself as a national and international research centre in information-related disciplines. The PhD programmes offered in the school continue to attract many students from the African region. The majority of doctoral students are university lecturers who take advantage of the excellent resources available in the school. The school boasts of a total of five professors and over 15 doctorates on the establishment. The university library has perhaps the best and most comprehensive resources on information sciences in Eastern Africa. The electronic resources subscribed by the library complements the print resources available on campus.

The school has created a niche in research. Among the areas of research excellence are information ethics, disaster management, information needs and seeking behaviour, copyright and how it impacts on information dissemination and use, legal information provision to rural communities, electronic records and preservation; fundraising as a supplementary funding option for libraries, use of ICTs in poverty alleviation in rural areas, knowledge and content management.

Collaboration with other universities and the industry

The school has recently embarked on joint teaching and research programmes with both national and overseas institutions. In addition, the industry in Kenya has taken advantage of our leadership role in information sciences to establish formal and informal collaborations with the school. Through these partnerships, the industry has played host to many of our students on industrial attachment. The majority of final year students seconded to the industry end up being retained. Media houses have been the greatest beneficiaries of this programme. There is hardly any media house in the country that does not have graduates from the school.

Collaboration with other universities and the industry

In view of the foregoing, it does appear that Rongo University and in particular, the School of Information ,Communication and Media Studies will continue to play a leading role as a supplier of information-related manpower in the country and much of the African region for a considerable period of time.